The Pick Up Lines

Hot rizz lines for boys and girls at Tinder and chat

62 Armor Pick Up lines And Rizz

Here are 62 armor pick up lines for her and flirty armor rizz lines for guys. These are funny pick up lines about armor that are smooth and cute, best working Tinder openers and Hinge openers with armor rizz. Impress the girls with cheesy and corny armor pick-up lines, sweet love messages or a flirty armor joke for a great chat response.

Best Working Armor Rizz

A good Armor pick up lines that are sure to melt your crush's heart !

  1. I want to infiltrate your thalmor castle with my Altmer, with light armor of course.

  2. Aye gurl. You are more beautiful than a full set of Daedric armor.

  3. Armored titan, baby. I use protection.

  4. Milady, I bet you'd look nice in some maternity armor.

  5. Are you a fairy fountain? Because I will pay for me to make my armor hard.

  6. Want to PvP? Do you have the Super Armor to counter my Hard Paralysis?

Short and cute armor pickup lines to impress a girl

Using a spicy and corny pick-up lines about armor are guaranteed to work. But a sweet love message at Bumble, or a romantic comebacks are always welcome.

"Good morning knight in shining armor, it's definitely too soon for that, but I admire your upfrontness."

"Consider me your knight in shining armor then, ready to fight whatever dragons necessary to win your heart."

"I may not have my shirt on, but with you, I feel armored in beauty, just like Spiderman with his powers."

"Good morning to you too, my knight in shining armor! Can't wait to add sparkle to this awesome day!"

Girl, I am the knight in shining armor who will give you a smothered mate.

Don't worry baby, I'm using protection. I bought head armor.

"Hands full? Allow me to be your knight in shining armor, I promise to handle with care."

Cheesy armor Pickup Lines to Steal Your Crush's Heart

"Like a knight in shining armor, I'd brave any battle just to capture your heart."

"Well aren't you a knight in shining armor! How about we focus on weaving sweet memories first?"

"Do you wear love’s armor as your bra? For your heart's defense is beyond par."

"Like a knight in shining armor, your allure has completely breached my defenses, can we surrender to love?"

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way. Always a pleasure to protect a beautiful soul like yours. I'll definitely be your knight in shining armor."

"Well, aren't you a knight in shining armor? Looking forward to it!"

"You must be a T-34, because your beauty is so strong it's practically armor-plated."

Funny armor Tinder openers

Try using funny and charming Armor conversation starters, sweet messages, love texts and comebacks for sticky moments in Hinge and chat.

"Who needs a superhero dad when I can be your knight in shining armor, stealing your heart every day?"

"Oh absolutely, I would have arrived in a shining suit of armor... but the dry cleaner's closed. Curse that medieval laundry!"

"Ever fantasized about a knight in shining armor? Well, tonight you're the queen and I'm your royal guard."

"Well, I can't promise to be a prince, but I can definitely strive to be your charming knight in shining armor."

"I'd love to be your knight in shining armor, my fair lady. Ready for an adventure?"

"Are you Ironheart? Because my heart is beating stronger than any Stark-tech armor could withstand."

"As a shield is to a knight, you're my armor of delight, with you, every moment feels so right."

"Well, aren't you just a knight in shining armor! I'll hold you to that, Mr. Fix-it."

"In this unstoppable journey, I promise to be your strongest armor, protecting your heart at all costs."

"Wow, that's intense! Well, let me be your charming knight in shining armor to save the day!"

"Oh fair maiden, in armor or night, none shines as bright as thee, my knight."

"Good morning, Knight in shining armor. Maybe next time, don't just wish it, make it happen!"

Clever armor Pickup Lines and Hinge openers

Using good and clever Armor hook up line can work magic when trying to make a good impression.

"You said 'no' to being a princess, but can I still be your knight in shining armor?"

"Well, you've got the Ken looks going on. Ever consider swapping the convertible for a horse and shining armor?"

"I'm not a knight in shining armor, but with your dragon tattoos, I'd love to be the reason behind your laughter."

"Well, if my bravery is kneeling before you, consider it a knight in shining armor who's finally met his princess."

"Can I be your knight in shining armor? Because I'm ready to treat my queen with respect and passion."

"As a flagellum, I'm quite a charmer, but your beauty outshines even the brightest star's armor."

"Haha, sounds like you appreciate a good fairy tale. Maybe I can be your charming knight, just without the shiny armor."

Hey let's get you out of that armor and see what skin you're wearing.

I bet you would look nice in some maternity armor.

Darling, these Trojans are rather painful. We may need some oil for this armor.

I don't need a knight in shining armor. A sweet boy in old blue jeans will do just fine.

I bet you've been waiting all night for your knight in shining armor to come and sweep you around the dance floor. Guess what? I wear the full armor of God!

Smooth armor Rizz Lines To Get Her Number

Using these smooth Armor pickup lines make her give you her number.

My falcon ignores armor defense, want to test out its damage?

How about me and you go play dress up, I'll be the knight in shining armor and you can be my noble steed, that way I get to ride you all day!"

Listen to me, mister. You're my knight in shining armor. Don't you forget it. You're going to get back on that horse, and I'm going to be right behind you, holding on tight, and away we're gonna go, go, go!

I am Megaman, I put on different armors and I know how to use my weapons.

Hey baby, I play smash bros, and was just wondering if I could be the armored suit to your Samus

You're looking a knight in shining armor. I just so happen to be wearing the armor of God.

Got any extra slots in that armor of yours?

Klingon Pick Up Line: may'luchwIjmo' Qobbe' tajmey 'ach tIqwIj luDuQ mInDu'lIj! (My armor shields me from knives, but your eyes pierce my heart!)

Are you diamond armor? Because im into you!

Why dont you take off that armor and lets see what your skin looks like.

Don't listen to the lies, I wear they all lies. You know I could be your knight in shining armor all tires. (Camera)

You know... I got my armor in Extra-Large just so I could fit the both of us in here. What do you say?

Flirty armor Pickup Lines To Use on Guys

These flirty Armor pick up lines are made to get him interested.

Are you impressed with how I handle my s**...? You should see what I can do with the weapon I pack under my armor.

They say a knight is always as hard as his armor.

Is that a knife in your armor? Or are you just happy to see me?

Milady, I'll be your night in shining armor.

Choose only a good well-crafted pick up lines for both ladies and guys. Even though certain Armor love messages are hilarious, be aware they may not work well in real life like they do on dating sites and apps. It is often awkward using flirty Armor openers to someone you haven’t even met yet.

Send us your pick up lines and rizz

The team behind carefully collects the best pick up lines from Reddit, Twitter and beyond. Our curated lists are full with working rizz lines to elevate your rizz skills. With more than 7 years of experience our team will help you deal with your flirting game. If you have a working rizz line please contact us