The Pick Up Lines

Hot rizz lines for boys and girls at Tinder and chat

110 Guard Pick Up lines And Rizz

Here are 110 guard pick up lines for her and flirty guard rizz lines for guys. These are funny pick up lines about guard that are smooth and cute, best working to start a chat at Tinder or Bumble and eleveate your guard rizz. Impress the girls with cheesy and corny guard pick-up lines, sweet love messages or a flirty guard joke for a great chat response.

Best Working Guard Rizz

A good Guard pick up lines that are sure to melt your crush's heart !

  1. Normally the punishment for theft is brutal execution by guards, but I'll let it go if you give me my heart back.

  2. Are you a bjj specialist? Because I would love to be in your guard!

  3. I may be looking like a nord, but I’m a red guard in my pants and a khajiit in the bed.

  4. Are you a security guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza?

    Because you've got me feeling animat-ed to be around you!

  5. I'd put you in my guard any day.

  6. Are you in color guard? Cause you make my flag pole go up.

Short and cute guard pickup lines to impress a girl

Using a spicy and corny pick-up lines about guard are guaranteed to work. But a sweet love message at Bumble, or a romantic comebacks are always welcome.

Will you parry me? You look edgy, perhaps you should lower your guard a little.

I’d let my guard down for you.

Mark Wilkins: I’m your security guard, I will always protect you.

I have to wear my mouth guard around you because you're a knockout.

Don’t be so defensive about your guard weight.

Guile: Your combos have improved, but your guard is still full of holes.

If I can't have you, life isn't worth guarding.

Cheesy guard Pickup Lines to Steal Your Crush's Heart

Coast Guard regulations, Miss - I have to inspect you.

"Just like a landslide, your beauty caught me off guard and swept me right off my feet."

"Did your eyes come from FNAF? Because they got me hooked like a night guard on duty."

"Just like a perfect football pass, your beauty caught me off guard and I'm definitely planning on running with it."

"Excuse me, miss, I'm not looking for an exchange, just the privilege of guarding your heart."

"Are you a FNAF night guard? Because my heart's beating like it's 5AM and I've just survived Freddy."

"Just like life's unexpected turns, your smile caught me off guard, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Funny guard Love Messages to Start a Conversation at Tinder

Try using funny and charming Guard conversation starters, sweet messages, love texts and comebacks for sticky moments in Tinder and chat.

"Have you ever needed a bodyguard? Because my heart has been on duty, guarding you since the first sight."

"Your guard up high, no worries I spy; 'Tis your radiant smile that lights up my sky."

"Just like a trusted sergeant, I promise to guard your heart with all the courage in mine."

"Girl, you must be a night guard at FNAF because you've got my heart rate shooting up like an animatronic!"

"Is your name Auron? Because you've just guarded my heart with a Level 3 Key Sphere!"

"Like a FNAF security guard, I've been watching you all night and can't take my eyes off your beautiful form."

"Detective Aoyagi, you're making me blush! But you do make this cat and mouse game exciting."

"Hello, gorgeous! Caught me off guard with that intro. Do you always start conversations like a breath of fresh air?"

"Safe and sound under my blanket fortress, dreamin' of unicorns! Guard dogs? Nah, I prefer guard teddy bears!"

"I might not be a zookeeper, but I'd definitely lose sleep guarding a precious and sporty cheetah like you."

"They call me the Night Guard, because all I want is to spend five nights — no, make that forever — with you."

"Is your name Life Guard? Because my heart is drowning in your enchanting beauty here at this pool side."

Clever guard Pickup Lines for Bumble

Using good and clever Guard hook up line can work magic when trying to make a good impression.

Ryu: Still got that perfect guard, huh? I need to work a bit on my own.

"As a goalie, you guard the net with grace, can I score a chance to occupy your heart's space?"

"Are you a guard? Because every time I see you, my heart feels captive in your seductive prison."

"Are you a prison guard? Because whenever I see you, I feel like I'm doing time in your heart."

"Like the FNAF security guard, I've been watching you all night and you're what makes it worth staying."

"Like a captivating plot twist, your beauty caught me totally off guard."

"Absolutely, darling, I'd guard your secrets with more care than a knight guards his queen's honor."

"Are you a night guard? Because when I'm with you, I feel like I've won the FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) game."

"Just like a soldier on duty, my heart stands guard for your every smile."

"Are you an archer? Because you've managed to target the most guarded part of me - my heart."

"Just like a surprise Twitch bit sale, your charm catches everyone off guard in the sweetest way possible."

"Girl, your waist is a masterpiece, and I bet the treasure it guards is even more priceless."

Smooth guard Rizz Lines To Get Her Number

Using these smooth Guard pickup lines make her give you her number.

"I promise to guard your picture like a treasure, only if it's as mesmerizing as your smile."

"I'm not a Romanian night guard at Freddy's, but I'm still losing sleep over you."

"Your beauty is deeper than the ocean, just like your gorgeous curves. How about I become your personal life guard?"

"Detective Aoyagi, your charming flirtation is as intriguing as your mysteries! It's delightful to see we're enjoying this unique exchange."

"Your blush is fascinating in itself, Mr. Aoyagi. It's getting hard resisting your unique charm, keep the fun flirtations coming."

"Is your name danger? Because my heart beats faster every time I'm assigned to guard it."

"A speechless beauty so rare, with charm like yours, nothing can compare, an evening with you is all I dare."

"You might be a safe, but when I'm around, there's no need for locks. Relax, I'll guard your dreams."

"Of course, I'd guard our boba babies fiercely! But let's avoid the jail part, okay? You're too charming for a prison cell."

"Oh, your flattery is so intriguing, Mr. Aoyagi. Keep amusing this 'interesting detective' with more of your adorable flirting."

"Ever fantasized about a knight in shining armor? Well, tonight you're the queen and I'm your royal guard."

"Speechless by my words you may be, but it's your charm that truly enchants me."

Flirty guard Pickup Lines To Use on Guys

These flirty Guard pick up lines are made to get him interested.

"Your blush, like a rose so red, makes my heart flutter; a night with you, a dream unfettered."

"Just like a perfect football pass, your beauty caught me off guard and scored right into my heart."

"Can I be your life guard? Because every time you jump into the pool, my heart skips a beat with surprise."

"Is your purr as sweet as your smile? Because I promise to guard it like a werewolf defends the moon."

Haha, I must admit, my native place is a closely guarded secret. It's where unicorns roam free and chocolate rivers flow! 🦄🍫

Girl, if you played soccer, you'd guard the goal.
Because you are a keeper.

"Caught off guard, huh? Don't worry, your unpredictable charm is quite refreshing."

"Are you a mushroom? Because you're fungi-nominal at guarding my heart against love parasites."

"As a sergeant, I'm trained to protect what's precious. Can I sign up for duty to guard your heart?"

"Your blush, like a rose, it sets the night aglow, in your company, I'd delight, you're the star of my show."

"If your heart's as guarded as your Instagram, I'll need more than a follow request to find my way in."

"Well, Mr. Aoyagi, it seems you have a knack for making me blush. I'm glad our playful banter is entertaining you."

Cringe guard Pickup Lines For Your Girlfriend

"You must be from the British Night Guard, because ever since I saw you, I've been unable to shut down."

"Like a strong werewolf guarding his pack, your strength makes me feel safe, but your sweetness? That's the real cat-ch."

"Girl, if you were a soccer ball, I'd never let you go. Just like Sergio Ramos, I'd always be on your guard."

"Can I be your Night Guard? Promise to protect your heart like it's Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

"Are you a life guard? Because my heart skips a beat every time, like it's drowning in your beauty."

Quick get a life guard!
Because I'm drowning in your smile

"Like a mushroom in a forest, your presence lights up my world while tirelessly guarding my heart from harm."

"Your eyes sparkle brighter than the stars, but it's your stunning backless outfit that truly caught my universe off-guard."

"No need to lower your guard, my dear, for my intentions are clear; I'm simply charmed by your beauty, it's sincere."

"Aha! Caught you off guard, didn't I? Well, the journey just started, buckle up for some more smooth sailing."

"A detective’s work is never done, but I'll admit, your charm may just be my kryptonite. Keep it coming, Mr. Aoyagi."

"Are you Freddy Fazbear? Because my heart beats like a night guard's when I'm near you."

In Conclusion

Choose only a good well-crafted pick up lines for both ladies and guys. Even though certain Guard love messages are hilarious, be aware they may not work well in real life like they do on flirting sites and apps. It is often awkward using flirty Guard chat-up lines to someone you haven’t even met yet.

About the author

The team behind carefully collects the best pick up lines from Reddit, Twitter and beyond. Our curated lists are full with working hook up lines to elevate your rizz skills. With more than 7 years of experience our team will help you deal with your flirting game.