The Pick Up Lines

Hot rizz lines for boys and girls at Tinder and chat

106 Gurl Pick Up lines And Rizz

Here are 106 gurl pick up lines for her and flirty gurl rizz lines for guys. These are funny pick up lines about gurl that are smooth and cute, best working to start a chat at Tinder or Bumble and eleveate your gurl rizz. Impress the girls with cheesy and corny gurl pick-up lines, sweet love messages or a flirty gurl joke for a great chat response.

Best Working Gurl Rizz

A good Gurl pick up lines that are sure to melt your crush's heart !

  1. Ay gurl, do you need an inhaler?

    Because you got dat kiss ma

  2. Gurl we are like 2 pieces of the same metal in space

    Cuz if we get together I reckon we’ll be inseparable

  3. Hey gurl, is it hot in here or is that just the Holy Spirit burning inside of you?

  4. Hey gurl, are you Abraham?

    Cuz I wanna bless you with many children.

  5. Hey gurl, if you were a province of the Roman Empire, you would be BAEtica.

  6. Aye gurl. You are more beautiful than a full set of Daedric armor.

Short and cute gurl pickup lines to impress a girl

Using a spicy and corny pick-up lines about gurl are guaranteed to work. But a sweet love message at Bumble, or a romantic comebacks are always welcome.

Gurl, you must've picked up a Fireflower because you are hot.

Hey gurl wanna see my kettleballs.

Yo gurl, I heard you're good at math... Cause your legs are always divided.

Ayy gurl you wanna rub Aloe-Vera on my burnt peeling skin?

Gurl you so Beautiful you look like a 512x512 texture pack.

Heygirl you lookin' a little stressed out. Why don't you let me check yo' thetan levels back at MY place?

Ay gurl, can I implement your interface?

Cheesy gurl Pickup Lines to Steal Your Crush's Heart

Hey gurl... are you the earth?

Because you only get hotter the older you get.

Hey gurl wanna catch some crabs.

Gurl, let's transform this cold snap into some polar vorsex.

Ayy gurl are you doge?

Cause wow

Hey gurl, wanna plant a tree with me? We can carve our initials into it on our 50th anniversary.

I guess you're a carpenter now gurl. Because you just saw my wood stash.

Aye gurl, are you Dumbledore?

Cause you look like a Head Master

Funny gurl Love Messages to Start a Conversation at Tinder

Try using funny and charming Gurl conversation starters, sweet messages, love texts and comebacks for sticky moments in Tinder and chat.

Hey gurl are you silver? cause I'm actually a MGE, bend over.

Hey gurl, All it take is one drilling campaign to turn that virgin field into a producing asset.

As King Geoffrey saig: ‘hey gurl, I’d like to see your head on my pike’.

Hey gurl are you-

Oh wait, you're a guy with long hair, oh my gosh, I'm so sorry-

Gurl, are you Maghda? Cause you're giving me butterflies in my stomach.

Hey gurl, let me take you surfing. I'll teach you how to ride my stick

Ey gurl, are you the American healthcare system?

Cuz' taking care of you is extremely expensive, like, seriously. Holy sh\*t.

Damn gurl, you a p90? Cuz I’d spray you.

Hey gurl, stay awhile and listen.

I always gotta go fast, gurl. But not in the bedroom.

"You're not just making things happen, darling, you're the shock that charges my heart's current."

Ayeee gurl, are you community college?

Because I'd do you for 2 years before moving onto something better

Clever gurl Pickup Lines for Bumble

Using good and clever Gurl hook up line can work magic when trying to make a good impression.

"Is your name Gurleen? Because you've got that 'gurl', I've been longing to meet all evening."


Cause I always want you down onto me!

"I thought only lightning could shock me, until your smile did. Now, how about we make more sparks fly?"

Gurl, I hope you're a long-term loan, because I never want to give you back.

Eyy Gurl…Black Friday sale going on back at my house. . .

All clothing will be 100% off. . .

"Hey there, with that sparkle in your eyes, are you about to shock the world or just steal my heart?"

"Did you just shock everyone with your beauty, or was that my heart skipping a beat when I saw you?"

Ey gurl,

Do you uhm wanna go like hang out. And uhm. We can like get coffee and maybe we can possibly like hold hands, I mean if you want. Please.

"If you were a surprise, girl, you'd be the twist ending that leaves everyone in awe."

Aye yo baby gurl do you work at subway?

Cuz you just gave me a foot long

Gurl are you Physics?

Cause I don't understand you, yet I love you.

Gurl, you da only one I'd ever spend my minutes on.

Smooth gurl Rizz Lines To Get Her Number

Using these smooth Gurl pickup lines make her give you her number.

Ay gurl, ima use 1000 years of death on you in bed.

Hey gurl on a scale of 1-10 you're 9

And im the 1 u need

"You know, your beauty could spark a revolution; why not shock everyone and make me your first recruit?"

Hey GURL you can call me a shower curtain

Cuz ima make sure you get wet in a visually isolated area

"Your ability to shock everyone is electrifying - let's create a spark together, shall we?"

Supgirl are you tax evasion?

Ay gurl are you a math assignment

Because you'd keep me awake until 2am while I'm doing you

Hey gurl, are you a release day pokemon go server?

Cause I'm about to go down on you

"Your smile is like a surprise plot twist; it's stunning, unexpected, and it just made my day extraordinary."

Gurl, do u know which day u are in a week?

Sunday, coz u're a blessing!

Hey gurl are you a noun?

You look like a PERSON, let’s go back to my PLACE and do a THING.

Gurl you're a whole kiss restaurant

Cuz I wanna come inside you and then eat with you

Flirty gurl Pickup Lines To Use on Guys

These flirty Gurl pick up lines are made to get him interested.

Hey gurl, are you a burnt down church?

Because Notre DAYUMM.

Ay gurl I'd like to explore your caves.

Aye gurl, are you a trash can?

Because I want to take you out at least once a week for the rest of my life

Do you know what rhymes with cucumber?

Gurl, can I have your number!?

Gurl can you tell me where the science wing is?

Cuz I sense some chemistry brytween us

Heygirl are you an airport?

Gurl, your sun sign is Aquarius?

No wonder my boys want to swim inside you.

Dang gurl, are you a tiktok pov video?

Cuz this pickup line makes no sense

GURL you're so cool

You put air conditioners out of business

Gurl are u tired?

Cause you’ve been runnin in my mind all night long.

Gurl I love how yo eyebrows come together, it represents unity.

Gurl are u a calendar?

Cuz u got date written all over you!

Cringe gurl Pickup Lines For Your Girlfriend

COD: gurl are you a flashbang?

Cuz you're stunning

Hey gurl are you my large black minivan with black tinted windows with the license plate of 3618-JTQ

Because I want to put kids in you


Gurl, do you have a yeast infection?

Cause you're making my bread rise...


I had a friend who was reading horoscope and mentioned that it said female gemini are apparently really sexy and joke I should some day walk up to a girl and say "you must be a gemini", so I said

"gurl, you must be a gemini, cause you're a gem in my eyes."

tl;dr zodiac says gemini girls are sexy, so "gurl, you must be a gemini, cause you're a gem in my eyes."

Do you play Metal Gear Solid 2...

...because Ima make you my "Gurl-lukovich" and have you "Raiden" my "Solid Snake" until I shoot "Liquid" all over your "Ass-elot".

Gurl I’m going to do so many things to you
You could write a whole cosmopolitan issue

Gurl, you should sell beerwurst. Because you already know how to make a wiener stand.

Hey gurl, do you live in a fridge?

Cuz u be lookin like a S N A C C

Thought of this one after seeing Star Wars last week

Ayy gurl, that BB8 unit in the movie may have been cool and all, but I like you more because you're my BB10.

Gurl, is your name Lucifer ?

Because you're making me want to sin

Hey gurl are you obsidian...

Because I'd want to smash you all day with my diamond pickaxe B-).

Gurl are you the twin towers?

Cuz i wanna make you explode

In Conclusion

Choose only a good well-crafted pick up lines for both ladies and guys. Even though certain Gurl love messages are hilarious, be aware they may not work well in real life like they do on flirting sites and apps. It is often awkward using flirty Gurl chat-up lines to someone you haven’t even met yet.

About the author

The team behind carefully collects the best pick up lines from Reddit, Twitter and beyond. Our curated lists are full with working hook up lines to elevate your rizz skills. With more than 7 years of experience our team will help you deal with your flirting game.