The Pick Up Lines

Hot rizz lines for boys and girls at Tinder and chat

82 Rice Pick Up lines And Rizz

Here are 82 rice pick up lines for her and flirty rice rizz lines for guys. These are funny pick up lines about rice that are smooth and cute, best working to start a chat at Tinder or Bumble and eleveate your rice rizz. Impress the girls with cheesy and corny rice pick-up lines, sweet love messages or a flirty rice joke for a great chat response.

Best Working Rice Rizz

A good Rice pick up lines that are sure to melt your crush's heart !

  1. Hey girl. . .

    Let me treat your kiss like a rice bag at the grocery store ;)

  2. Baby, your teeth are as white as my rice.

  3. You're like fresh ginger on the rice bowl of my life.

  4. You turn me on like a rice cooker.

  5. Want some rice with that chicken?

  6. I like my girls like I like my rice white, hot and s**....

Short and cute rice pickup lines to impress a girl

Using a spicy and corny pick-up lines about rice are guaranteed to work. But a sweet love message at Bumble, or a romantic comebacks are always welcome.

You be my curry

I'll be your rice

Baby, you like the rice. Because I never get sick of you.

I like my women like I like my rice

White and s**... (works better if you're asian)

"I'm the black bean to your rice, without me you're incomplete; together we make something truly unique and delicious."

Girl, are you made of rice and spice? Because you've got me craving for a taste of you.

"I'm the black bean to your rice, darling; separately good, but together, we're a recipe for perfection."

"Black bean to your rice, in this love cuisine, your allure outshines the stars, the loveliest I've ever seen."

Cheesy rice Pickup Lines to Steal Your Crush's Heart

"As black beans are to rice, I can't imagine my story without you being its most beautiful spice."

Are you a grain of basmati rice? Because you've got me falling for you in every bite.

"Just like black beans complement rice perfectly, I believe we could make an irresistibly harmonious duo."

"Just like black beans perfectly complement rice, I believe we could beautifully complement each other's lives."

"Are you rice? Because I'm a black bean yearning to make perfect combination with you."

"Are you a grain of rice? Because our mix, like black beans and rice, would be the tastiest dish in the restaurant!"

"Like black beans to your rice, girl, we aren't complete without each other. Let's stir things up!"

Funny rice Love Messages to Start a Conversation at Tinder

Try using funny and charming Rice conversation starters, sweet messages, love texts and comebacks for sticky moments in Tinder and chat.

"If I'm the black bean to your rice, together we're a perfect blend that can spice up any night."

"Like a scoop of black beans to your plate of rice, together we'd create the most delightful dish life has to offer."

"Just like black beans complement rice, my life would be tastier with you by my side."

"Are you a grain of rice? Because you're small, perfect and essential to my life."

"I must be a biryani rice, because I'm falling for your spices one grain at a time."

If I was the rice I'd want you to be the sambar


in a feast during the festival of onam the sambar (stew made of various vegetables popular in South india) is always served on top the rice

"Just like black beans perfect rice, darling, we could make an unforgettable recipe together."

"Are you broccoli rice? Because I'm feeling a healthy attraction that's impossible to resist."

"Are you my broccoli rice? Because you've got a unique flavor that spices up my life."

Are you made of basmati rice and spices? Because you're the perfect blend of hot and spicy.

"Just like black beans complement rice, my life wouldn't be complete without your spice."

"Just like black beans perfectly complement rice, I believe we could make an exquisite combination together."

Clever rice Pickup Lines for Bumble

Using good and clever Rice hook up line can work magic when trying to make a good impression.

Are you made of basmati rice and love? Because you're the perfect blend in this world.

"Like a black bean longing for its rice, without you, my darling, life isn't as nice."

"Is your name Rice? Because whenever I see you, my heart starts to steam up like a perfectly cooked pot."

"Your beauty is as comforting as daal rice on a rainy day, want to stir up some romance tonight?"

"Just like black beans and rice, we could make an irresistible mix that's impossible to resist."

"You're the rice to my black beans, the essential part that completes my Cuban plate of life."

"Just like black beans complete a dish of rice, I believe we could make a perfect combination together."

"Baby, I'm the black bean looking for its perfect rice; together we'd make every meal nice."

"Is your name Broccoli Rice? Because you stir up an appetizing mix of healthy and delightful in my heart."

"Are you broccoli rice? Because you're the healthy choice that my heart is always craving."

"Like black beans to rice, we blend with timeless grace, your beauty is a feast, that no dish can replace."

"Just like rice and black beans, we could blend so well they'd say it's a classic pairing."

Smooth rice Rizz Lines To Get Her Number

Using these smooth Rice pickup lines make her give you her number.

"Are you Jasmine rice? Because you're the 'grain' of my existence that surprisingly makes life tastier."

"Just like rice completes a plate of black beans, your presence completes my world, sweetheart."

"Do you like sushi? Because I'm soy into you, I can't rice-st myself from watching sunsets with you."

"As a black bean, I've been searching for the perfect rice like you to complete my recipe of love."

"Just like broccoli rice, you're a perfect mix of healthy and hot."

Are you made of spices and rice? Because you're as flavorful as a perfect plate of biryani.

"Just like a black bean needs its rice, I find myself needing you."

"As a black bean, I know I'd be the perfect addition to your rice, making our blend simply irresistible."

"Just like broccoli rice, you're a unique blend of beauty, making my life irresistibly nutritious and delicious."

"Are you a plate of daal rice? Because I can't help but feel comfort and warmth whenever I'm around you!"

"Are you a bowl of rice? Because I'm the black bean looking for its perfect match."

"Just like black beans complement rice, girl, our personalities blend perfectly; wouldn't you agree?"

Flirty rice Pickup Lines To Use on Guys

These flirty Rice pick up lines are made to get him interested.

"You're the rice to my black bean, together we make a perfect cuisine."

You're rice and I am the beans.

Together, we’re a combo plate of bueno

"Just like broccoli to rice, your presence makes everything in my life incredibly nice."

"Is your name Jasmine? Because our combo, like jasmine rice and black beans, is a recipe for unforgettable flavor!"

"Darling, I'm the black bean to your rice, together we would create an irresistibly delicious life."

"Just like black beans complement rice perfectly, I can't help but feel we'd make an unbeatable combination."

Are you made of spices and rice? ‘Cause every bite of you is a savory surprise.

"Just like daal and rice, we'd make a perfect spicy mix - irresistibly delicious and impossible to resist."

"Is your name Rice? Because my world is plain until I met you, you make everything better."

"Are you a sushi roll? Because my heart is soy into you, it's rice to meet you."

"Is your name Daal Rice? Because just like them, you're making my life spicy and nice!"

"You're the rice to my black bean; together we make a dish that's more than just satisfying, we're unforgettable."

Cringe rice Pickup Lines For Your Girlfriend

Girl, you're the fried to my rice, the solution to my equation, and the squint to my eyes.

Do you like rice crispies?

Cus I am gonna snap crackle and pop this d*** in your mouth.

At Running Back… Call me an archaeologist…Because he’s got a large bone I want to examine …from the Baltimore Ravens…Ray Rice!

You are like rice and curry... I could eat you all day.

If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together since we'd make quite the dynamic duo. I envision we'd be great together, just like Joe Montana and Jerry Rice!

I love fried rice. Can you make some for me?

Forget about foreplay and filler rice, let's get straight to sashimi.

No more Mr. Rice guy, I am going for raw end of the deal.

Wanna make some sticky rice?

You are the seaweed to my sushi rice.

Do I cook? Well, not really but I can whip up a pretty mean fried rice!

You look so hot that I could cook rice on you.

In Conclusion

Choose only a good well-crafted pick up lines for both ladies and guys. Even though certain Rice love messages are hilarious, be aware they may not work well in real life like they do on flirting sites and apps. It is often awkward using flirty Rice chat-up lines to someone you haven’t even met yet.

About the author

The team behind carefully collects the best pick up lines from Reddit, Twitter and beyond. Our curated lists are full with working hook up lines to elevate your rizz skills. With more than 7 years of experience our team will help you deal with your flirting game.